Nike Daily Drive: Gregory Coachman
Published:November 08, 2020
Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to "Just Do It." is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them. This is Gregory Coachman's Daily Drive.
Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Gregory Coachman. I am the owner of Urban Recreation, a real estate investment and lifestyle brand, as well as a fitness professional.
Describe a normal “Day in the Life” for you currently?
I start my day with breakfast with my girlfriend, then jog or some sort of other exercising to get my body and mind working. Afterward, I may meet with a few clients. Later in the day, I will usually see some friends or have phone discussions about what we all are processing and experiencing in our lives. That usually leads me to sit with a cup of coffee while I work on whatever ideas I've been thinking of. I try not to allow a day to pass without researching something related to my dreams, even if it's just a google search. My nights end pretty early with me eating dinner with my girl and conversations about today and tomorrow.
Could you name the one personal trait or aspect of your life that keeps you going every day?
Resilience. Throughout my life, I've usually outlasted and out hustled others.
Are you currently working on any projects?
Currently, I'm really focusing on Urban Recreation. I am developing products I personally love and enjoy, whether it be a t-shirt, sweatsuit, even accessories, and houseware. Urban Recreation will always be a real estate company at its core but encompasses much more. A cafe housing all my products is the end goal. I also just recently began a new real estate company with friends, Walls & Bridges, and we closed our first deal in Chicago this week.
If you could pass on any advice or words of inspiration to your community, what would it be?
My advice is to don't allow others' limitations to become yours. Your dreams and goals belong to you. It's not up to anyone else to tell you whether they're achievable or if you're capable or not. There will always be whispers of doubt, but you silence those whispers with consistency and drive.