Nike Daily Drive: Aaron Heard
Published:September 22, 2020
Everyone has that certain something inside that keeps them going. Now more than ever it’s important to not lose focus on the things that make you who you are. The idea to “Just Do It.” is a powerful one that can lead to greatness. Join us as we share the stories of unique individuals within our communities and what drives them to succeed for not just themselves, but the people around them. This is Aaron Heard’s Daily Drive.
How did you get started in music?
High school is when I really fell into heavy metal. I would get introduced to random bands while hanging with people at the skatepark. The vocal techniques really piqued my interest as a soft-spoken kid. From that point on I just practiced every day until my voice got stronger. Fronted a couple different bands over the years and now here I am.
What are you currently working on?
Nothing has a record coming out soon. Jesus Piece is writing a record at the moment. I’ve also been developing a video game on my free time.
What keeps me motivated every day?
My biggest motivation is my son Leo. Everything I do now is to build a better life for him.
How do you deal with stress?
Music is always my go-to. It allows me to take a huge step back from reality and see things clearly. And if that doesn’t work then I hit the streets on the board. Try to skate as fast as I can through the neighborhood.
Any advice you want to give to your audience?
Don’t let anyone tell you what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. Don’t box yourself in. Don’t submit to social norms to appease others. Be true to yourself.